Friday, August 15, 2008

It's Been Great!

I wanted to let my students from this last year know that I am going to be a new P.E. teacher in the Puyallup School District. I will be at Waller Road, Pope, and Brouillet Elementary's this year. This has always been a passion for me and I finally get to do it. Thank you for all the great times that we had this last year at Hunt. Good luck in the future and I know you all will succeed!

Mr. Iverson


ShopAholic said...

Hey Mr.Iverson!
That's so cool your going to be a p.e. teacher. my brothers going to Brouillet so i hope he has fun!
Hope your having a great summer!

~Taylor H.

ShopAholic said...

Hi Mr.Iverson!
How are you? I bet your having a lot of fun with your new job and i bet the kids love you! I just recently got my braces off finally I'm so happy! I hope to see you soon!

~Taylor H.